HelpHaitiQuake: Help Rebuild Haiti: How You Can Help Haiti: Haiti Quake Relief News

HelpChileQuake: ChileVolunteer, Chile Volunteer Groups, Grupos de Voluntarios Para Chile

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Concepcion, Chile Map: Mapa de Concepcion de Chile

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Information on Concepción, Chile: Concepción's History of Mapuche Raids and Earthquakes

Concepción's history of earthquakes may end up being her salvation. Because of a previous earthquake, engineers and local authorities have been stressing the needs to build quake resistant buildings in the major towns. However, due to lack of money, many Chileans were not able to abide by the building codes. Poor indigenous people built adobe, mud homes which are destroyed by the massive quake.

"Concepción was a military outpost on the border between the Spanish controlled areas of what was then a portion of the Viceroyalty of Peru, and the Mapuche nation, a fierce ethnic group that was not brought under Chilean control until the 1870's. Even today there is an uneasy situation as the Mapuche Indians struggle to take back the forests.Concepción did not have an easy early history. Subject to Mapuche raids and earthquakes, the city was moved several times to its present location. In spite of its precarious situation, Concepción, familiarly called Conce, held a vital position in early Chilean history. It was the site of the Real Audiencia, the most important government organization during Spanish colonial times and it was from here that Spanish forces attempted to subdue the independence efforts.Due to earthquakes, the city has been rebuilt at various times. You won't see colonial buildings clustered around a central plaza, but you will see a modern city and port supported by the coal, steel, petrol-chemical, and fishing industries. Associated with the nearby port of Talcahuano, Conce is a vital part of the Lake Region. The people of Concepción are proud of their role in Chile's political, economic and cultural growth....."

Peligroso Terremoto Ocurio en Concepcion, Chile: Se Requieren Voluntarios Para Ayudar a Buscar a Chilenos

Un gran terremoto de 8.8 puntos en la medida de Richter golpo a Chile y destruyo muchos edificios. Tambien, mas de 78 personas fallecieron segun la presidente Michele Bachelet. Equipos de rescatantes del mundo van a viajar a Chile para buscar a Chilenos que se encuentran bajo edificions quebrados.

Una vez mas, el mundo va a reaccionar y responder. Agencias de ayuda internacionales van a estar alli tambien. Sus recursos van a desmenuir mucho. Necesitan su ayuda financiera. La cruz roja internacional manda un equipo a Chile tambien. El aeropuerto esta cerrado ahorita. Van a entrar el pais por Argentina segun la directora de Red Cross or Cruz Roja.

The International Red Cross Based in Panama Sends Teams to Affected Areas: Chilean President Michele Bachelet Declared Emergency Areas 'State of Catastrophe'

A huge earthquake has hit an area just outside Santiago, Chile with a magnitude of 8.8 on the Richter scale. Video showed the destruction of the massive Chile earthquake on local television. Reports indicate many people have been killed from the earthquake and that aftershocks are the biggest fear at this time.

The earthquake that centered in Chile now affects other areas with Tsunami warnings issued for Japan, Hawaii and areas of the South Pacific. The tsunami would take almost 24 hours to reach the area around Japan but could have dire consequences for the area.

President Michele Bachelet of Chile called the area a 'state of catastrophe' after the destruction of the earthquake.

8.8 Magnitude Quake Hit Chile: More Volunteers are needed: Haiti Quake Rescuers Will Head to Chile Now

(See the videos posted below.)

More volunteers are needed for the global recovery efforts. We are sure that the same rescuers who went to Haiti will now head to Chile in South America. Recovery and search teams are in high demand these days. Their jobs take them all over the world.

Do you want to volunteer in Haiti and Chile? Post in the comment area to let others know you are available.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

List of Organizations Seeking Volunteers for Haiti's Trip and Work: Post in the "Post a Comment" Below

If you are an organization seeking volunteers who are willing to give their time and skills, here is where you should post.

Individual Volunteers Can Post in the "Post a Comment" Below: Join Other Volunteers for Haiti

If you are interested in volunteering your time in Haiti, post a comment below.  Make sure to give some info about how you want to help rebuild Haiti.

Post a Comment: Potential Volunteers in Haiti Only Post a Comment at

All you have to do is post a comment in the comment area of to show your willingness to volunteer in Haiti or Find organizations to volunteer with in Haiti when the rebuilding season opens up.

Haiti is not going to be rebuilt in one month, one year or even 10 or 15 years.  That means all of you will have a chance to volunteer in building a school, orphanage or church in Haiti.

What are you waiting for?  Go ahead and post your comments in the form below to volunteer in Haiti.

Make sure to describe your skills and how you plan on helping re/build schools, orphanages, churches and other public buildings.  If you can lead a fundraising activity, let us know too.

If you want, you can always email us at

Thanks for helping Haiti!

Welcome to VolunteerBlogPost: Blogging For Haiti Volunteers

Volunteers post in the "comment area."  They post about their desire to volunteer in Haiti in whichever capacity they can.  This is your time to find volunteer organizations and other volunteers who want to build a school, a church or an orphanage.

Welcome to VolunteerBlogPost!  Here is your time to show solidarity and shine for Haiti!

In the meantime, from the comfort of your home, you can learn Haitian Creole at  You will need to communicate with Haitians once you are able to get there.